Tag Archives: funny

Memes 4

Sooo…I uploaded all my photos to my laptop which is about 17 years old. Trying to do anything on it is slower that an oysters belly roll. So I decided to wait until I had some good memes on my phone again to upload. 

You don’t believe me? It’s like that time I spoke to God and he was lying so I called him out:

My friends (who were there at the time so can verify this conversation was real and not made up whilst I was in bed typing it just now) said:

My homeboy Joffrey could not believe that I just called God out.

But Jesus was happy that I stood up to his father. He was like Gurl…

So I said to Jesus, Jesus I said:

He laughed. We are best bros – Susej and I. 

In other news I went to the Great Wall of China the other week was nice.

But more importantly I found out my friend can fit his whole fist in his mouth. Seriously! Which of course requires this Mean Girl meme. 

That’s all. Have a great week. Love you!! 

Memes of the week

So I wanted to started regularly blogging again. But…I didn’t want to put the effort in to have a serious blog that comments on serious issues with serious in-depth analysis. Lez be honest, I would never do that anyway. What’s the laziest way to keep up with a blog? Just post the best memes you come across on a weekly basis. Therefore I present you with:

Memes of the week. . May not be catchiest title…but my everything has to be witty and clever.

1. The New Year has started and I already feel like this:


2. This reminds me of two things, my best friend when we talk, and my pet hamster from my childhood. It’s dead now.


3. This third one which sums me up better than a 10,000 word autobiography ever could (I don’t even know if 10,000 words is a lot, but it’s more than 14)


4. The first message I received when I bought my new phone:


Ok, maybe they are not memes and are infact just images. But I never said I worked in IT and people lie all the time. What’s that Watergate and Nixon? No Scott, stay away from the political.

Finally here is a picture of a noodle burger which you can buy in South Korea. Ooo cultural.


Berry Nutty Puns!

I was on a bus ride going to an apple winery in South Korea. The bus ride was very long, but my Irish friend and I didn’t let that get us down. We made some fabulous nut and berry puns! Side note: she also showed me this amazing Daniel Radcliffe rapping video. That boy is street! #thuglife

Let’s start with NUTS:

nuts 2

What nut can you wear on your feet?

What nut always needs the toilet?

Which nut can you not easily see?

What is the most movember nut?

What is the tallest and strongest nut?

What nut has a sore throat?

Which nut will watch you when you are sleeping?


Now for the berry side of life:

Which berry has a sore throat?

Which is the lonliest berry? / Which berry is a little bit quackers?

What is the sadest berry?

What is the most musical berry?

What berry can some racists not eat?

Wht is the wisest berry of them all?

What berry can you not thing of a pun for?

Thank you, enjoy the rest of your day.


Five Hot Cartoon Characters.

Some cartoons characters are just plain hot. I’ve said what we all think. Who wouldn’t want to get to know cheeky chappy Aladdin on a cold winters night, or be protected by Tarzan when chased by bandits. With his strong muscly arms wrapped around you like great barrels of English oak. If you have a thing for Disney Princes take a look a this…

You’re welcome.

This post is all about Sexy Cartoon characters. So, in no particular order lets begin….

1.Marge Simpson. The resident Milf. With Marge it highlights how a haircut really can make all the difference. When Marge literally lets her hair down, we see a totally different side to her. It’s an incredible notty-to-hottie in once single move.


2.Aladdin. Ive mentioned him before and I will keep on mentioning him. He is one big hunk of monk. With his baggy pants and charming waist coat, his dazzling smile and pet monkey. This is the guy I first had a crush on…I was about 5 so didn’t realise it at the time, but looking back I fell for him. Fell hard. Take me away on your magic carpet. I’ll push that Jasmine bitch off it in a heartbeat.


3. Gambit. Those abs and that jawline. Plus he throws cards and they explode! Who didn’t try that when they were younger. Heck I still do it now. If that wasn’t enough just take a look at his long hard staff.Image

4. Ash Ketchum. Not only is his first name amazingly brilliant (my middle name), but I haven’t seen anyone pull off a baseball cap as good since I first saw him. Plus he catches Pokemon which is just about the coolest job going. Thumbs up for Ash Ketchum. You go Ash Ketchum.


 5.Tarzan. It has been said that Nelly’s song Hot In Herre was actually written for Tarzan, and looking at that photo we can see why. Forget Jane, this is a man we definitely hope will go Gay for Pay.


There are many more men and women who make the cut…Storm, Superwoman, Wolverine,  Action Man and Meg from Family Guy…just kidding she’s one fugly slut.

One final point, this photo of Marge is one of many I found whilst writing this post. This picture is a PG 15 one. There were a lot more graphic images, a lot featuring incest. The show is ruined for me now.

Disclaimer: I don’t want to have sex with cartoons.